
CARE Providers
Telephone Reassurance Providers and Funding Sources
State Of Michigan
The following is a list of Michigan private organizations or state agencies that provide grants and funding for community programs. Also, we have listed automated and volunteer based programs that we found in the state of Michigan.
DSC provides a Telephone Reassurance phone system that automatically calls elderly residents ensuring their well-being, allowing them to remain in their homes longer (Aging In Place).
There are many communities that provide telephone reassurance programs (both volunteer based or automatic calling programs).
Contact DSC to learn more about our automated phone systems. DSC welcomes the opportunity to discuss our telephone reassurance program and services. Also, if you are a Michigan based community and/or organization that provides a Telephone Reassurance program and would like to be listed here (its free!), please contact us.
If your community does not already have a Telephone Reassurance program, DSC offers individuals the ability to subscribe to our call reassurance program. You can register online for free and DSC offers a limited trial period for only $5. There is no obligation to pay until you activate your account.
To register online, click on the image or button to the right.
Our online enrollment is easy to use and manage, and it provides the senior with flexible calling schedules, custom messages and greetings, as well as multiple emergency contacts in the event of no response by the subscriber.
Michigan Automated Telephone Reassurance Providers
The following organizations provide telephone reassurance programs for the elderly within their Michigan communities. These programs are both automated or volunteer based community services.
State Of Michigan "Potential" Funding Resources
The following private and public groups are potential providers of funding for phone reassurance programs in Michigan communities.
To obtain current information about specific Michigan agencies and foundations that provide funding for telephone reassurance programs, please contact the respective grant provider listed below..
Note: DSC obtained the following names of foundations from public records. There is no assurance that these foundations provide funding for your specific telephone reassurance program or community notification system.
This information is provided to help you research funding for your project using community grants.
* United Way of Southeastern Michigan
* The Region 3A Area Agency on Aging
* City of Kalamazoo
* Corporation for National and Community Service
* Greater Kalamazoo United Way
* Kalamazoo County Mental Health
* Kalamazoo County, Michigan State Housing Development Authority
* Michigan Office of Services to the Aging
* The Michigan Department of Community Health
Earhart Foundation
Wege Foundation
Lucille S. Thompson Family Foundation
Kalamazoo Community Foundation
The Carls Foundation
The Ave Maria Foundation
Kellogg's Corporate Citizenship Fund
Whirlpool Foundation
Grand Haven Area Community Foundation, Inc.
Herrick Foundation
Battle Creek Community Foundation
Fremont Area Community Foundation
Matilda R. Wilson Fund
Orville D. & Ruth A. Merillat Foundation
Arcus Foundation
The Rollin M. Gerstacker Foundation
Community Foundation for Muskegon County
Irving S. Gilmore Foundation
The Jubilee Foundation
Edgar and Elsa Prince Foundation
The Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation
Comerica Foundation
Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation
McGregor Fund
Community Foundation for Northeast Michigan
Capital Area Community Services, Inc.
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Grand Rapids Community Foundation
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Steelcase Foundation
The Kresge Foundation
The Meijer Foundation
Ford Motor Company Fund
Hudson-Webber Foundation
General Motors Foundation, Inc.
Kellogg Company 25-Year Employees Fund, Inc.
Alex and Marie Manoogian Foundation
Manoogian Simone Foundation
DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund
Frey Foundation
The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation
Community Foundation of Greater Flint
The Herbert H. and Grace A.
Dow Foundation DTE Energy Foundation
The Skillman Foundation
The Taubman Foundation
Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan
The Eugene Applebaum Family Foundation
Dow Chemical Company Foundation
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Jay and Betty Van Andel Foundation
Contact DSC to learn more about our CARE (Call Reassurance) telephone reassurance program and RUOK® replacement system.
"Are You OK?"® and RUOK® are registered names of Bruce L Johnson (Individual). For a comparison with our CARE system, please visit our RUOK® vs CARE web page.