Telephone Reassurance Indiana telephone reassurance providers
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Telecare Providers
Phone Reassurance Providers and Funding Sources

State Of Indiana

Indiana state agency The following is a list of automated and volunteer based programs that we found in the state of Indiana. Also, we have listed Indiana private organizations or state agencies that provide grants and funding for community programs.

DSC provides a Telephone Reassurance phone system that automatically calls elderly households checking to ensure they are OK. DSC also provides individual calling services for home alone children. To obtain information about this program and age limits of children for your state, visit the Indiana latchkey kids age restrictions.

There are many communities that provide telephone reassurance programs (both volunteer based or automatic calling programs).

Contact DSC to learn more about our automated phone systems. DSC welcomes the opportunity to discuss our telephone reassurance program and services. Also, if you are a Indiana based community and/or organization that provides a Telephone Reassurance program and would like to be listed here (its free!), please contact us.

$5 Trial For Individual Service

If your community does not already have a Telephone Reassurance program, DSC offers individuals the ability to subscribe to our call reassurance program. You can register online for free and DSC offers a limited trial period for only $5. There is no obligation to pay until you activate your account. To register online, click on the image or button to the right.

Our online enrollment is easy to use and manage, and it provides the senior with flexible calling schedules, custom messages and greetings, as well as multiple emergency contacts in the event of no response by the subscriber.

Indiana Automated Phone Reassurance Providers

The following organizations provide Telecare programs for the elderly within their Indiana communities. These programs are both automated or volunteer based community services.

  • Bluffton Police Department - Wells County, Indiana
  • Jasper Police Department -Jasper, Indiana
  • Marshall County Sheriff Dept. -Plymouth, Indiana
  • Warrick County Sheriff's Office - Boonville, Indiana

State Of Indiana "Potential" Funding Resources

The following private and public groups are potential providers of funding for phone reassurance programs in Indiana communities. To obtain current information about specific Indiana agencies and foundations that provide funding for telephone reassurance programs, please contact the respective grant provider listed below..

Note: DSC obtained the following names of foundations from public records. There is no assurance that these foundations provide funding for your specific telephone reassurance program or community notification system. This information is provided to help you research funding for your project using community grants.

Christel DeHaan Family Foundation
Lilly Endowment Inc.
The Clowes Fund, Inc.
Lumina Foundation for Education, Inc.
Nicholas H. Noyes Jr. Memorial Foundation Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Melvin and Bren Simon Charitable Foundation Number One
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Community Foundation Alliance, Inc.
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Community Foundation of Wabash County
Guidant Foundation
The Martin Foundation, Inc.
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, Inc.
Cornelius Family Foundation, Inc.
Lilly Cares Foundation, Inc.
Ove W. Jorgensen Foundation, Inc.
Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
The Health Foundation of Greater Indianapolis, Inc.
John W. Anderson Foundation
Twin City Education Foundation, Inc.
Dekko Foundation, Inc.
Legacy Foundation, Inc.
Harrison County Community Foundation, Inc.
Elkhart County Community Foundation, Inc.
Foellinger Foundation, Inc.
Jerry J. Wilson Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Judd Leighton Foundation, Inc.
English-Bonter-Mitchell Foundation
East Chicago Community Development Foundation, Inc.
Ball Brothers Foundation
The Scott A. Jones Foundation, Inc.
George and Frances Ball Foundation
Irwin-Sweeney-Miller Foundation
Heritage Fund - The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County
Vectren Foundation, Inc.
Community Foundation of St. Joseph County
The Cummins Foundation
The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc.
Dearborn Community Foundation
Eugene and Marilyn Glick Foundation Corporation
Anthem Foundation, Inc.
Paul Ogle Foundation, Inc.
NiSource Charitable Foundation
Welborn Foundation, Inc.
McMillen Foundation, Inc.
Fort Wayne Community Foundation, Inc.
West Foundation, Inc.
Regenstrief Foundation, Inc.

Contact DSC to learn more about our CARE (Call Reassurance) telephone reassurance program and RUOK® replacement system.

"Are You OK?"® and RUOK® are registered names of Bruce L Johnson (Individual). For a comparison with our CARE system, please visit our RUOK® vs CARE web page.